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T h e  S a b b a t h   D a i s
S p e c t r u m  o f   L o v e

This Spectrum is based on wisdom given by Angels from the Most High God.

The Spectrum of Love shows the scale between one extreme reference point of Love to the other. One major idea to take away is that, everyone is in the exact place in their existence needed to learn their specific lesson and grow.  Although we choose what direction to go, the truth is we have already chosen our path before the beginning of our time here on Earth. In order to live in truth we must first accept it.


The Sabbath Dais Spectrum of Love outlines the lowest level of Love or lack of love up to the highest reference point of Love also identified as Truth. The highest level of love is signified by being One, this can incorporate Self Love being One with One Self, finding your other half or man and wife. On the other hand hate infers just the opposite. The lowest level of love is indicated by hate for oneself or One Self and is a sickening toxic behavior. This lack of love or hate is signified by lack of intimacy or being with many individuals or possessed by many demons.


In true love Man and Wife exist, as mankind is made of man and woman. This also describes a Human Being as being both man and women at the same time. In this instance once a male finds his other half that half is the female portion of his soul. Thus, being the reason a natural man and natural women is the highest level of love born to Earth. A woman is found within the man, such as the story of Adam and Eve, the woman is created from him, as Eve. Man can only find their true selves and their other half by going within and seeing themselves, once they have found self the woman manifests as the perfect companion. 


On the other hand lower levels of love are not necessarily demonic rather a lower level of existing. This includes where man and women are not joined as husband and wife. In this instance the union does not have the ability to heal itself as they are not truly oneself. However, this level is necessary for some beings lessons in finding who they truly are until they reach a higher level. 


At the lowest level there is sickness, confusion and torment. There is no respect for decency and the ways of the world is praised before the ways of Heaven. There is no direction to one self or knowledge of identity. Individuals here do not accept knowledge of man and women in union, nor do they respect relationship in general but rather each individual for themselves. Here resides Legion rather than Oneness. The soul connection is not honored in this level of hate. These levels are where there is loss of hope and an inability to discern real from fake and true from false.  Wisdom is shunned and lawlessness abides in lower levels of the Spectrum. 


None the less, specific lessons are intended for an individual to rise to their truth, but they must choose to learn in order to ascend through the Spectrum of Love.  

T h e  S p e c t r u m  o f   L o v e  D i a g r a m

The below diagram is a depiction of the Spectrum of Love in the Earthly realm. Once One reaches the Angel Level the Spectrum ends and the Angel level continues into the Heavenly realms. Once an individual has reached the Demon level the Spectrum ends and the Underworld is continued. There is more information still unknown at this point in our existence, the provided information is what the Angels want us to be aware of now.




Top Row: Divine Connection

and Spiritual Contract

Karmic Soulmate 

(The beginning of the Karmic Spectrum)

Soulmate (The beginning of the Soulmate Spectrum)

Twin Flame (The

beginning of the Twin Flame)

Toxic Connection

(The beginning of the

Toxic Connection Spectrum)

Earth Angel

Demon Level

(The beginning of the Demon Level)

The Lovers

Angel Level

(The beginning of the Holy Angel Level)



Bottom Row: Spiritual Life Experience

Demonic Possession

Healthy Relationship

Fall from Grace

Lower Self

Rise to Power

Higher Self

Legend for margins:


All Love

Self Love


Trauma (Trauma Bonding)

Self Hate

All Hate



Key Truth:


- Earth Angels are not the mystical, make believe or fake creatures some make them out to be. They are real and they are guided by The Angels and Heavens to perform miracles throughout the Earth both seen and unseen. Earth Angels have the ability to connect with all existence on a soul level, including Holy Angels and other Principalities. These individuals must have the ability to discern truth from lies and unafraid to fight against evil. These Earth Angels are highly Spiritual Warriors. 

- Demonic possession is not just actors in a movie where Religious exercisers come to expel demons, its also real life. Possessions are real they can take the form of anything that alters truth and has someone believe a lie about themselves. Demons possess individuals every day in many ways and cause them to look, act, see differently than their truth and even take on body dysmorphia, self harm, threaten the truth of others and over all destruction. The more you are unpleased with yourself the more you are affected by these demons and could be possessed. 

*It is common for individual to ascend by one level. Example: If a Karmic Ascents they usually reach a Healthy Relationship and potentially (but rarely) jump to Soulmate.

* It is common for an individual to descend by two levels. Example : If a Karmic descents they could bypass Unhealthy Relationship and jump to Toxic Connection. 

*Healing work and acceptance of truth must be followed through in order to Ascend. Descending is a sign of neglecting truth and embracing pain.

* Once the lessons, in a level of the spectrum, are learned staying in a connection unhealed or "as is" causes a descent. Descent is a sign of non growth. However, before descending commences the Angels will send a sign that growth is needed by having an individual repeat the lessons. If the repeated lesson is not acknowledged or learned descent has been evident. 

* Once the lessons, in a level of the spectrum, has been learned and the individual has chosen to heal they will make the necessary changes in order to grow or to ascend. 

* Keep in mind each level could be a persons relationship or connection towards themselves or another individual; this could be a person as an individual to themselves or to/from/with a partner. Example: An individual can be Karmic to themselves and need to heal from self inflicted hate to go into a Healthy Relationship with themselves and their own soul. It is not always based on an external party OR an individual could be a Karmic to another individual and/or another individual could be a Karmic to them. It depends on the placement in a situation. 

A Deeper Look at The Spectrum of Love



May Gods Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is important that Gods Divine people accept His Will and His Love for all. 


Although each level of the Spectrum and how long we stay there is our choice, we still must experience what we need at our particular level before we grow. The first thing we need to know is that everyone is in the exact place they need to be in for the experience and lessons. The lessons at each level is the required lesson for that individual in order to become their true selves. This wisdom is not provided to cause confusion, division or ill will. Everyone should be respectful of who they are (their God given identity) and that includes the lessons and/or experiences they are currently engaged in. Everyone should also know to respect others in their current circumstance. Remember the complete idea of the Spectrum of Love is to find yourself ; Love in general is finding truth, those who seek shall find


Learning a lesson is ones choice, if the lesson is not learned it will repeat. Repeating something, expecting a different result is a sign of insanity and insanity is ones own personal hell. One chooses to be in hell by repeating their lessons. Learning the lesson is growth. Growth is a sign of accepting wisdom and truth. Once one has accepted truth they have accepted life. Our lessons are a matter of life and death, but we get to choose. 












































The beginning of the Demon Level: Low Level Energy - Lower/False Self

The Demon Level breaks off into hell or the Underworld after this point, here the Spectrum is no longer apart of this world but enter a place that the Angels did not disclose much details about. However, there was much insight given on the beginning of the this level.


At the beginning of the demon level one has accepted deceit and failure. Demons and Demonic Possessions live here and causes one to hate their true selves; this appears as body dysmorphia, self mutilation, loss of self identity/stealing the identity of another, causing confusion, turmoil or strife, and becoming lost within their own flesh, all though it can also be evident in the flesh as well. It is manipulation and torture of the mind, body and soul. This is a very hard place for individuals to come out of, as they have difficulty knowing real from fake. In this place not only can you be possessed by demons but you can become one. 


At this level Demons and Fallen Angels have deceived an individual of their truth and they not only believe lies about their own identity but they live them. This level extends far beyond relationships or any connection. In fact a person feels totally disconnected and isolated from the world and more so from the grace of God. Even the demons may have abandoned some of these individuals and left them for dead as the demons were never for them to begin with. However, in this level a person here has made the decision to accept lies many lessons ago. The only way to come out of this place is if they remember the truth and accept it. Do not be defeated even at this level; For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Even in this place Angels fight evil and have defeated demons. They have the ability to shine their light to show the path back to the truth, but it is up to the individual to see it. 


Once they have ascended from this level, if they choose to make it out, they typically start off in a toxic connection as they have already been infected by demons. However, depending on if they choose to accept their many lessons along the way, this individual can ascend directly to the beginning of a Healthy Relationship. Again, a Healthy Relationship does not start for this individual without many lessons and healing from their wounds.  This healing more than likely requires a rebirth or an exorcism.




The beginning of the Toxic Connection Level: Divine Connection

The beginning of the Toxic Connection is one that consists of sex, drugs, money and/or other additions. This is a place where habitual liars, serial rapists, murderers, and thieves reside. In this place Demons from the Demonic level can come to claim bodies or souls in a Demonic Possession. Here you will find very low energy, poison of the mind and blood as sickness and disease, disability, physical and mental pain. This is where the demons feast on those who are willing to give up their truth and accept lies and defeat. The toxic connection involves identity disorders, orgies and sexual deviance, self hate, abuse or neglect of others (including children, elderly, disabled or defenseless), Vampires (energy drainers), Werewolves (energy devourers) and other purely evil beings and activities. In this place you can be possessed by demons and start carrying on characteristics of ungodly beings of the underworld. 


Because demons poison the blood with their toxicity, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Mental disorders that appear as rage and erratic behavior and Sabotage of self and others, are a sure sign of a Toxic individual or Toxic encounter. This could mean an individual or a partner has at some point in their lives experienced someone in a Toxic Connection or could have become Toxic themselves.  


At this Toxic level one can easily Fall from Grace into the Demon Level. However, on the other end, if an awakening occurs they could also Ascend and Rise to Power. During the Rise to Power it is not impossible for one to enter into a Healthy relationship, this healthy Relationship will usually not begin without a rebirth into a new life and much healing. 




The beginning of the Unhealthy Relationship Level: Life Experience

This level is considered a Life Experience which differs from a Divine Connection in a few ways but the biggest is purpose. In this respect all can be in Unhealthy Relationships but not all may have the Soul/Spiritual Contract of a Divine Connection. Divine Connections are about finding yourself in a place that existed before earth, in Spirit and in Truth. A Life Experience is about knowing there is more to the physical world than what it appears. This experience can seem similar to a Divine Connection but the Divine responsibilities and obligations are very different. We have all traveled through many levels which makes an Unhealthy Relationship just another Experience in life and in this case we must realize we can have more out of life.  More out of life in this level means aiming to see the fulfilling and everlasting side of life and possibly ascending to a Healthy Relationship. If not and one chooses to descent they could become Toxic or worse. Descending can be apparent by sabotage of self or others, depression, codependency, low self esteem, pessimistic attitude and immature behavior. This level is often made of feelings of failure, holding on to the past, lack of self care, and gluttony; This is where one can develop cravings for negative energy, low vibrations or anything that is not suitable to their health or well being. However, growing pass this is just the opposite, in a Healthy Relationship individuals feel successful, hopeful for the future and crave positive energy, high vibrations and all that is suitable for their life and well being. 




The beginning of the Karmic Soulmate Level: Divine Connection

Karmic Soulmates are ideal matches to help one another grow and learn the lessons. This means that growth and acceptance of a lesson may require them to part the relationship. It could also mean that they grow into a Healthy relationship together. If the learned lesson means separation they must separate and, if not, this could cause them to repeat lessons until they part ways. If they do not part ways they could turn into an Unhealthy Relationship or worse descent to toxic individuals. If they turn toxic this can cause them to be harmful to themselves and others but at this point they would not have any sense of direction. Descending for the Karmic Soulmates could mean they did not choose truth and continued to be lustful, codependent, resentful or ignorant of the truth. When falling, these two will prevent Healthy Relationships and promote unhealthy living standards for themselves and others. Karmic Soulmate energy can show up as being a negative influence on others and lack of concern for the well being of others including children and other dependents. This fall is really terrible for individuals but often they do not feel it until it is too late, if at all. They could become numb or in a zombie state causing self harm and abuse, addictions, lashing out and other traumatic events. On the other hand Karmic soulmates can ascend pass a Healthy Relationship into Soulmate level. This ascension does require embracing truth, Self Love, Healing and the desire to do what is right (move towards righteousness). To become a Soulmate, Karmics will need to leave behind their old ways and possibly old self for a new life with or without their partner. They will have to have a rebirth which will be easier to do once they have reached a Healthy Relationship level. This is not impossible for Karmic Soulmates if they decide to accept positivity and break from negativity (shame, regrets, denial, negative influences, addictions and low self worth), they must also desire life and become optimistic. 




The beginning of the Healthy Relationship Level: Life Experience

It is important to note that Life Experience relationships can last a lifetime and be very meaningful encounters. For the most part that is exactly what a Healthy Relationship entails. In this place there is fullness of life and the main focus is wellness, at the point where sickness does not exist. This relationship has released the past pain and takes an optimistic approach to new beginnings. Healthy Relationships can be very fulfilling but it requires self care and caring for the well being of others as well. This could look like just being a good influence to those around or simply speaking words of encouragement to someone who may be unhealthy. When these individuals in Healthy Relationships ascend they lift up those who desire to be uplifted and inspire those who are close to rise above their own self doubt.


It is important for their positivity to true and their to be genuine this will discourage any negativity around them. These individuals must be careful to know where to exert their energy, if they are not careful they can allow others to bring them down. If these individuals choose not to maintain their Healing and continue practicing Self Love, they can have a very hard fall. However, maintaining a positive life and healthy lifestyle will keep them in the clear of sinking from this beautiful relationship. 




The beginning of the Soulmate Level: Divine Connection

Soulmate connections can be some of the most abundant relationships that really feed each others needs and can ascend very rapidly. These partners know that there is something Divine not only about their mate but about the connection in general. This connection often starts off as a simple healthy connection and quickly grows into an inseparable bond. These two should be careful of external influences, jealousy and self doubt. A key factor in this level is communication between the mates, communication will help protect against misunderstandings, and insecurities within the connection. Because these two are not Twins so they are not necessarily as one, they must communicate and openly express their feelings to be more cohesive. This usually is their high points in the beginning stages but can reach its lows if they are not careful. However, if they do maintain a good level of expression and intimacy they can resemble very much as the lovers and for very close connections Twin Flames. 


Descending for these two can appear sudden, if something fell apart in the relationship they may want to end it quickly once they have made up their minds to part. However, depending on the circumstance they could remain friends and unless one moves on to a different partner, they consequently could end up together again. Either way they will more than likely share a mutual respect for one another and appreciate their love for one another. This descent will more than likely be based on self doubt, outside interference, between one or both of them, jealousy, or unhealed wound (appearing as codependency, superficial behavior, sexual deviance, etc.) being brought to the surface. This fall could result in a Karmic Soulmate connection and leave an unpleasant experience in their past. Being soulmates they have the strength to move past this but only with openness and transparency. These mates can typically steer clear of descending but it can be rapid and painful if they do not. This painful disconnect can cause a farther fall than expected if they are not careful. But, as mentioned previously, dependent on the circumstances they can usually remain friends and pick each other back up if needed. 


Ascending means these two could reach the Twin Flame level but this would require much Healing and Self Love. Twin Flames is a huge jump but very possible for Soulmates to reach in their existence (not life/lifetime). More attainable and also very rewarding is the Lovers level which allows Soulmates to maintain a Soul connection in a life experience full of peace, passion and love. Here they have the ability to reach those around them and be the influence for love and friendship while also having the passion of the lovers to create a better world for themselves and others. 




The beginning of The Lovers Level: Life Experience

The Lovers level is also considered a Life Experience however, this Life Experience can resemble Twin Flames in many aspects. One aspect is that The Lovers are always man and woman and they also have the power to heal the world by their loving, passionate connection. Although not as passionate as the Twins, this level has the ability to have an extremely intimate connection with one another, where they may even finish each other's sentences or simply fulfill their wants and needs before either of them has to ask. When ascending these two can reach Twin Flame or even Earth Angel level because their care for one another extends to the world and those around them. They ascend once they get involved with what they feel makes the world a better place, this could be anything from teaching their children to be kind or starting works that helps make the Earth cleaner. Either way this union is special and can turn into one of the best very quickly. 


Of course, there is the down side where they descend and this could be the worse descensions on this side of the spectrum. This fall out of the lovers typically causes a horrific break up leaving them both extremely hurt towards one another. Because this is a life experience the lovers fall can look anywhere from internalized to externalized and effect everyone around them or just frustration amongst themselves. This can happen if The Lovers do not follow their heart or truth in a situation, especially if one mate becomes unsupportive of the other due to insecurities from outside influences. It is important for The Lovers to stay supportive of one another physically, mentally and emotionally and not allow external influences to stop them from becoming more as "One". 


It also tends to be seemingly the longest or shortest falls of them all. If long or dragged this may be because the mates quickly shared details of their personal lives or broke down their exclusivity regarding discontent or unhappiness. This allowed negative forces to enter into the relationship and attack their intimacy. If this seemed like a quick descend this may be because it happened long before it was spoken of, even as a mental break down or internalized turmoil. Either way it is important for The Lovers to be transparent and truthful with each other and keep intimate matters to themselves. 





The beginning of the Twin Flame Level: Divine Connection

At this level you have reached your truer self and ascending more and more to your truth. In the Twin Flame Journey the beginning of the spectrum can resemble much like being The Lovers. Although, they have not come into their total power, the energy they hold has a huge amount of healing. As their self love is fueled their external love multiplies in ways that extend beyond earth. They have the ability to make one another and others around them feel loved and in turn a higher self esteem. This ascends other to a higher sense of truth and allows them to embrace their God given identity. If they continue to practice this talent they will reach ascension into the Earth Angel very quickly. 


When moving to higher points in the Twin Flame level, the Twins experience a deeper level of telepathy and form a bond that is whole. They can become even passionate towards one another which may cause them to not just live this physical life together but also die together. Twin Flames will not want to be separate even in death. Once they have come together in a lifetime they often reunite many times again throughout each realm. 


If one Twin or both should go backward on the Spectrum they have the potential to stay at The Lovers level, however it is most common to bypass the Lovers and descent to Soulmate. If the Twins are severely unhealed they have the potential to lie in Karmic situations or acceptance of failure and lies would cause them to become Toxic themselves. Because Twins hold such a high calling, the descension of a Twin is a sign of a great amount of unhealed wounds and even Self Hate. Thus, a reason they would not come into union because they could not Love their mate who is a reflection of their own self. This is the worst case scenario although uncommon, still very possible. If one Twin descends and the other does not the descended mate could experience a huge deal of toxic energy in their lives unless they choose to ascend. The other healed mate on the other hand may experience a life as The Lovers or receiving a Soulmate from the Divine. 





The beginning of the Angel Level: High Level Energy - Higher/True Self

The Angels provided much information on the beginning of the Angel Level however, did not expound passed the beginning. The beginning is where the Spectrum breaks off and becomes an entirely different sacred space.


Earth Angels are found at the beginning of the Angel Level. Earth Angels are where mates can levitate or even fly together even while being physically apart. This level, if one continues to ascend, has the potential to connect with ones truest self. They have the ability to flow in and out of the Angel realm and in this respects connect with Angels and Spirits in heavenly places. This is were most Twins perform astral travel to different worlds and other places within the infinite Universe and connect with Spirits from all over eternity. In this place physical touch is overcome by mental stimulation. Thus being said sex is more as solely energy and a new form of pleasure is experienced throughout the body and beyond. They can also be pregnant telepathically or without touch which means they are able to produce or birth new life, love and creation not only of humans in a physical encounter but of new ideas, cures and heaven on earth in a psychological, mental, emotional or overall Spiritual encounter. This is a huge aspect of Mary's pregnancy with God during the birth of Jesus. One way of seeing it is that her encounter with God was so real that the Spiritual stimulation manifested into real life as the birth of Jesus Christ.  


Only once one has reached the Twin Flame level can they become an Earth Angel. This does not mean you must be in connection with your Twin but have reached the unconditional love of Self, like that of the Twin Flame union. There are some who are Twin Flames in other realms. Once a Twin has found themselves throughout other realms and connected with truth in that place, they may ascend into an Earth Angel. 


Being an Earth Angel gives you the power to heal entire families, the body of Christ (the Church), communities and even nations. Once you have reached this level your choices on Earth become limited. There is no deciding who you want to be in this Level you have already seen yourself in many realms. There is no more deciding what you want to do you have already made the choice to serve the Most High God and his body of Angels. Your only choices are life or death. Most Angels  choose life because once they have seen this realm they cannot deny what has been revealed to themselves however, life or death are still choices. 


The ability to reach Heavenly quarters is one of the major reason Angels will not allow the unhealed allow the unhealed to enter into Twin Flame union. Twin Flames will not come into union if they are unhealed, they must have at least begun healing. Many times Twins will get Soulmates or maybe become the Lover instead. This loss of a Twin could possibly result in remaining single and a lifetime of loneliness. This catapults a Twin or both Twins to desire more in their connections, even if that means the next lifetime. Angels cause unhealed Twins to not unify than to compromise the Spiritual realms, which makes compromise impossible. Only true Twin Flames or the true unconditional love of Twin Flames can reach Earth Angels.


Twin Flames may be very much associated with Quantum Entanglement once they reach the higher level of the Twin Flame Spectrum they become one another or themselves as truly one body. 





The Spectrum of Love Portal Notes: 


- Divine Connections are Soul Connections that are predestined and Contracted and Life Experiences are for those who are not yet necessarily in a Soul Connection. But none the less Life Experiences are Sanctioned by Heaven. Take note that at any moment individuals can be risen up from a Life Experience and enter into a Soul Contract. When the Angels see fit or a Contract cycle begins you never know until you know (unless you are in tuned with past lives) if you will be chosen to go into a Spiritual Connection or Soul Contract. This rise could be with the person you are in an experience with or someone else.


- Be mindful of sexual intercourse, promises and other Soul ties. These Soul ties are a choice in your path that can cause a disruption in the pattern of your Divinity and your Divine Connections. These ties that you make can be the difference between having a Divine Connection (Soul Contract) or Life Experience (Sanctioned events). You choose the course of your life and each decision you make determines the pattern of your life. Soul ties have the potential to keep you stagnant in your journey or raise you into a higher level of Divinity. Thinking before you act is imperative to the direction you are going as a Divine being. Keep in mind that Soul ties do not have to be in sex but can be any obligation or promise you make in life. A contract or promise on Earth could become Spiritual promises that you must keep.  These promises can be in giving your word, your life or simply sex, all which create soul ties, so remember to be mindful. 


- The Angels have urged us to seek and keep the truth at all costs. We can not control other people including their relationships even if those relationships include us. But we can keep the truth, this means if we are asked or have the opportunity to speak the truth we must always choose truth as children of God. Once we tell someone the truth we have done our part but be sure to keep your word and do not become a hypocrite. The Angels acknowledge that though sin may be understandable it is not accepted in the sight of God. Consider this, if a poor man needs to support his family but has no money so, he robs the bank or takes what is not his, should you tell him he is right? No, you should tell him he is wrong although you may understand his pain. The man will do what he chooses but your truth must remain. If he is put in jail at least he can not say you encouraged him to act unjust or sinful. He will say you offered wise words. Even if you feel you understand someone's wrong always encourage what is right and accept that each individual will make their own decision. As children of God, we must avoid encouraging sin as well as trying to control it, we must only take control over oneself.


- In the Spiritual realm the energies are made of both male (Giver/Provider) and female (Receiver/Birther) although one they are their own individual energies. In a sense it is a misunderstanding to not tell them apart as they have separate purposes and characteristics although they are in union and act as one. As humans our energies are very much the same, we are a mixture of both roles however, the way we show up on this Earth in the form/perspective is form a purpose which we must accept. To not accept the truth of who you  have shown up as is to is to deny that purpose and identity in a particular lifetime or possibly in existence. Who are we to say that a particular identity is not worthy of being true or it is not who perfect as God made it? In the world today we have misconstrued the identity that we have arrived as, and some have labeled their true identity as a mistake, but God makes no mistakes. You must embrace yourself in all forms including the authentic form God has given you. To live in union as male and female you must first master the loving just the one you, only then can you rise into a higher self, but not before you have accepted who you are in a given place, space and time. This includes accepting the identity of every life including the one we are living in this lifetime, so it is important to accept yourself as you were created. As Spirits the woman is taken from the man and they are sent to this world to find one another, or in other words find oneself and come together to produce more of themselves naturally. Even barren women or sterile men may come together and produce when blessed by the Heavens as there is no limitations to Holy works when honoring the Holy order. When it comes to homosexuality or same sex partnerships we must respect a persons journey while also knowing and keeping the truth. (Visit the Self Love Workshop on Sabbath Dais website for more on Male and Female identity).


- Why man and woman, male and female? Why is this the higher levels of union and love? The answer lies in the reasoning God created woman to begin with, so man would not be alone. All the animals and creatures of the Earth were no mate for Adam not even just man as him being by himself, God pulled more out of Adam than just the self he was before Eve arrived. There is no woman without man, so God created the woman who was already with in the man so we would physically experience an exchange of life, love and truth of self and in this exchange we produce more of that to heal the world. This is the great exchange of giving and receiving of all that is good. 


- Respect the Journey that an individual is on, you may offer advice in truth and love should you find the opportunity however, do not try to force their lesson. An individual's life is their choice. The Holy Angels urge us to stand out of God's way when a lesson is being taught, you may not support a sinful cause or encourage an evil nature but promote good nature in peace. You can be the positive influence in someone's life but avoid the need for control. Relationships that are not suitable for your life may require you to disconnect from them, if you feel the urge to control you may be in an unhealthy connection or circumstance that is not for you to remain in. Allow others to learn what they need at their own pace and in their own experiences and disconnect from what does not serve your higher being. If this is you, you may need to focus on your self growth. (Visit The Healing Workshop on the Sabbath Dais Website for help with self growth. 


- As Soulmates and lower levels of the Spectrum of Love can be any gender including same sex relationships, the Lovers and above can not. The Higher levels of connection are solely Male and Female in nature, love and truth. The reason for these unions being the only connections that are true, is to bring forth the manifestation of Gods plan, to reproduce more of himself. In this natural occurrence the world is healed in infinite perspectives. However, the relationships that individuals are in whether high level or low level are necessary for their life lessons and growth as everyone is sent here to heal, and defeat their lower selves until they continuously rise higher into their truth.  


- Twin Flame: For Twin Flames you only have one Twin Flame, if you do not come into union with your Twin you do not get another Twin (Twins are 2, Triplets are 3, etc. and being 2 is why this is called a 'Twin' Flame journey) However, in the Spirit if your Twin does not choose his/her truth in the physical world, their Spiritual self may send you a Soulmate in the physical who will choose you and has the potential to maintain a very fulfilling life. Same for your Soulmate, if you loose a Soulmate in the physical world their Spiritual self has the ability to send your Twin Flame. This usually happens if a Soulmate or Twin Flame passes over (dies) or their Spirit honors your prayers to be in a commitment even if they do not rise into their true selves. However, you only have one Twin and if they are substituted it could be with a mate somewhere within the Soulmate Spectrum. 


- Twin Flame: If you are in a Twin union or know you have a Twin Flame connection understand that due to your pure heartedness, passion for life and Divine purpose you may experience a lot of scrutiny and persecution in life. This applies to both Twins, so in this connection it is important to be able to lift one another up and encourage yourselves on the journey. The world goes through much evil and deception, which makes it hard for most to accept truth. Because of your true nature and being the truest form of union/marriage many will not want to accept this truth. Some would rather live in lies and avoid accepting the truth. Be mindful of your own nature and know that many times it is not you but the worlds inability to understand you or embrace you because of your Divine nature. Keep one another uplifted in your Twin union and pray for the awakening of all but also be respectful of Free Will. 



- Soul Disconnect/The Dark Night of the Soul: This takes place when someone has deceived themselves of true love or did not embrace true love so they begin to feel regrets and go through a Soul Disconnect. At this time an individual may realize that they denied true love or feel they missed out on a Divine love opportunity. This can cause much regret and even have them to neglect themselves or stop giving themselves the love they need. The feeling of being undeserving of love will set in at this point and cause the individual to disconnect from their Soul or even fall into self hate. They could have a sort of hate of love or avoid love in general however, to come out of this dark night they must serve truth, become aware of love again and have an understanding that true love is never lost. Once they have this understanding they open portals and opportunities for themselves to experience love again, starting with self love. In these situations they may typically find themselves in the vicinity or able to reach out to the love they thought they lost. Many times a Soul Disconnect or Dark Night of The Soul will happen to teach us to embrace and accept the truth of our love, we must learn how it feels to burn for it, therefore our desire is stronger to keep it once we obtain it again. This is likely to happen especially in higher levels of the Spectrum before they finally come into union.


- Selling Souls: The selling of a Soul to the Devil or any other evil force is not possible in truth however, the Devil can trick this into happening. What actually takes place here is an exchange between the individual or individuals and the Devil. The Soul actually remains in its place in Heaven however, the individual(s) experience a disconnect from their Soul as this exchange is not for the Devil to actually gain a Soul (this can only be given by God) but it proves to the individual who they are to themselves and when awoken they may see their own self hate or neglect through this dealing with the Devil. Selling ones Soul to the Devil is not about the Devil gaining a Soul but rather the person looses theirs. It is important to know God does not test us, our trials are to prove who we are to ourselves, as God already knows us. However, we are learning ourselves and we must make the choice of Heaven or Hell. In this test one may exchange their higher place for the lies the Devil convinces one to believe. This exchange allows all involved to see who they are in truth and could lead to loosing their birthright, their Soul and therefore loss of their place in the Kingdom. To reverse this exchange between the Devil, if/when made possible, the individual(s) must endure many lessons involving fear, being disillusioned and possibly mental illness amongst many other demonic experiences.



The Holy Angels Key Points for right now:


* Be careful of who or what you connect with you could become that thing or individual or worse it becomes you and you lose your true identity, if only for a moment. Be sure you are connecting with high level energies.  

* All astral travelers are not those who travel from Earth but Angels who have traveled to Earth. Not everyone is as they seem, in many ways this could be in aspects of good or evil. 

* Demons also travel the earth be ware of energies that fall on the lower spectrum, if you are not wise/powerful enough to defeat them you must remove yourself from the environment of demonic forces.  (Power only comes to and from those who have reached the rise to power stage in the Earth Angel level, do not concern yourself with matters outside of your strength if you have not reached this level.)

* There is no such thing as good or bad there is only good or evil. Good is based on what God says is good. Bad can be dependent on perspective, evil is based on Gods will. 

* There is no such thing as right or wrong, there is only righteous (the word right is derived from righteous) or unrighteous. Righteousness is given in the bloodline of God. Unrighteous is the toxic/tainted or poisoned blood. Gods blood is pure therefore, when toxic, poisoned blood can no longer fall in the blood line of God, unless it can be purified. 

* Regardless of current placement, at some point in Journey it will be revealed that One is All and All is One.

* Some placements can apply to certain parts of an individuals life and not others, however the low and high levels do not share the same life or intertwine there is a death (descent) or birth/rebirth (ascent) when moving from high to low or low to high levels. We can fluctuate between multiple levels in one time frame or cycle for some this can seem like years and for others this can seem like minute.


It is important to respect the place that an individual is at in their Journey as it is the appropriate place to help them learn who they are and discover truth. However, take care of your own growth. If you seek truth, surround yourself with positive energies and stray away from those who do not suit your life. Content yourself with those who pray to their Lord morning and evening, seeking His approval, and do not let your eyes turn away from them out of desire for the attractions of this worldly life, and do not yield to those whose hearts We have made heedless of Our remembrance, those who follow their own low desires, those whose ways are unbridled.



May the Divine children of God remain positive, wise, loving and true. All lessons are to gain the wisdom and truth provided by the Heavens.






Beginning of Angel Level:





Earth Angel Level:




Twin Flame:




Toxic Level:




Demonic Possession Level:




Beginning of Demon Level:

The Level:                  

3 Major Effects on Humanity in Lowest and Highest Levels of the Spectrum


This chart outlines the three top effects of the Higher and Lower levels on the Spectrum. The higher levels are made of those who are seeking/finding truth and have reached a connection with the Holy realms; Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

The lowest level are those who have neglected truth and are in connection with those of the Underworld. The chart is made to help the Divine understand what (other than who) they may be dealing with. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Individually (as many):

Collectively (as One):

1. Light

2. Reclaiming Self/Redemption

3. Guidance



1. True Identity/Accepting Oneself 

2. Mental Freedom (astral travel) & Kindness

3. Released/Free


1. Abundance 

2. Healing & Wellness

3. Self Love


1. Poverty/Poor Mindset

2. Sickness & Disease

3. Self Hate


1. False Identity/Stealing the Identity or life of another

2. Mental Torment & Behavioral Health Issues

3. Imprisoned/ Trapped


1. Darkness

2. Loss of identity/Loss of Self;

3. Lies & Deceit

1. Truth & Love

2. Power & Energy

3. Creation of Love/Life



1. Give & Receive of  "Gods" grace/good

2. Protector & Nurturer (constructive, motivational)

3. Spiritual Sight


1. Generational Blessings

2. Spiritual Sight

3. Unconditional Love


1. Generational Curses

2. Spiritual Blindness

3. Hate towards others


1. Stealing the Identity or life of body or group

2. Violent & Destructive/Loss of Self Control

3. Unmerciful/Blameful


1. Suicide

2. Low Energy/Hopeless

3. Death

The Higher Levels - Most Rare              

The Lower Levels - Most Common              

Portal Notes
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