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The Ten Commandments

P o r t a l   S e s s i o n s

a t  S a b b a t h   D a i s

A Deeper Look into:

The 10 Commandments


Bible Scriptures: Exodus 20:1-17: Deuteronomy 5:1-33

Taking a deeper look into the 10 Commandments there are key points we must understand, the Commandments are not a suggestion and there are consequences to disobeying the rules set by Heaven. No these consequences do not mean the Heavens show hate towards us or we immediately condemned but it does mean based on our own decisions towards Gods Command there are effects that teach us when we have been obedient or disobedient. 


The Angels expressed the Ten Commandments have vastly been misinterpreted and therefore both mistakenly and willingly disobeyed. Below is an account of how the Ten Commandments were described. 



I am the lord thy God, there shall he no other Gods before me

God is a specific term for a creator, because God mad us in his image, He also created us to (G)gods and (G)goddesses of our own. But the word God is also known in Heaven as Creator and Giver of Life therefore, God created man in his image as a creators and giver of life. As a man is a giver of life, God is the Ultimate Giver. Thus, being said there shall be no other Gods before me, God is stating there are no other Creators before me; There are no other Givers of life, before, above or greater than me. Some may see this as a choice they can make but ultimately it is exactly as the bible refers to it as, "a command." God is not only letting us know who He is but He is giving us the warning of accepting His power in us and for us. 


This is not a request, the Angel explained, these commandments are exactly that command of God, the Source, the Creator of all life.

The message is clear He is the Lord your Creator and there are no other creators that have come or will come before him. It is a statement He is making and a lesson you must understand and abide by.

He is God, The God, The Source, he has made us gods of our own identity.

Therefore, we are from his image because we have been made gods of our own but not the God most high.

Not following the Commandments makes us slaves to someone else or even lesser gods. 

That is the first Commandment. In other words, God is introducing us to himself, I am the Lord your Creator there are no other Creators before me.


Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images

Would you photograph the murder of your loved one and wear it daily around your neck. What would be the reason to capture them dead in their grave and wear it as a symbol daily? Should we not honor the life, is a symbol of death regarded more than the teachings of life?

So why parade a Crucifix to display on buildings and jewelry in remembrance of Jesus’s murder and pain rather than his life.

This is a graven image and it is intolerable. The son of God did much more for us than die on a cross. He healed, he taught, he sacrificed himself.

He lived for us and he went to hell for us. He has never died. Some worship necklaces and artifacts like rosery and statues instead of speaking to the Jesus himself right in front of them. The Commandment states, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images before me. This Commandments speaks to any images created in the name of our Lord God including his son and his own.

Attention to objects must cease and there must be more attention to those living things who are right in front of you and all around both seen and unseen.


Thou shall not take the name of the lord thy God in vain

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Of course if you think of these Commandments in a way that brings you closer to God there is nothing wrong with that however it is important to continue to elevate your relationship with God.

He said, you must know that he is your father, your father’s father and his father’s father. He is the greatest father of all existence. You share his blood, the Angel said.

Now, imagine you have your fathers last name, but you are unsure that he is your father, so you have not fully accepted this name as your own. This Commandment speaks to God accepting you as his own however, he Commands that you do not take on his name if you are unsure of him yourself. If you do not fully accept him as your father and the Lord your God. When you call his name know that you are his and He is your Lord. This always gives us the ability to call his name at any time full knowing that it is not in vain.



Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy

Many may believe this scripture refers to a demand to go to a Church, a Mosque or some sort of service on a designated day. This is not an argument of feeling obligated to attend a service. Remember, the Sabbath Day refers to your remembrance that God created everything for an Abundant life and when His creation was complete He rested. Remember the Sabbath day is remembering the day God finished His works and left it to us to continue the works in an abundant life. Keep it Holy means continue to honor Heaven with our works, creations and remember to rest in Him. The Sabbath day is day in which Gods creation and works has manifested. In Him who is in us, His creations are complete and we must remember it and honor Him. 

Knowing the significance of each type of day is important to our respecting our Father God and keeping His Will. This is especially important to the rest day known as the Sabbath Day, as it is found in the Ten Commandments. Every day belongs to God and has been given to us to keep Holy but we are to be sure we can rest knowing that all the work is complete and all that is ours find restoration on the Sabbath Day. Remember, our designated days fellowship and rest but know that His work is completed and when we do our part we can find rest for ourselves within His will. 


Honor thy father and thy mother

Honor is about respect and integrity. To honor your mother and father is to make something out of yourself as they have created you as a part of more of their highest and best selves. When it comes to honoring our parents it is respecting them for creating you and birthing you into the world. This does not speak on whether they have honored themselves or not but rather Gods Command for you to honor them. When others can see you as true, you are honoring your mother and father, when you can see yourself as true you are honoring you mother and father. Being false or becoming deceitful or false tears down the integrity of who you are and it it tears down the honor of your mother and father just as it can dishonor God. 


To honor your mother and father is to give respect to get respect, as well as to be of integrity to remain in truth. This command is for us to ensure we are holding ourselves to believe in those who gave us life. 


Thou shall not kill

Over time the idea of destruction had been interpreted as kill. When it comes to thou shall not kill we must know that the Heavens idea is different than on Earth. In this portion of the Commandments it is more so seen as destruction or murder than our Earthly idea of kill. This Commandment is simply put thou shall not kill. Although, the Angels may put Demons and Devils to death, this meals that Evil is met with Love and killed with the truth.


The Angels describe love as a Warrior with a weapon of truth. In fact some such as demons and Devils must be put to death with this most powerful weapon, a weapon quite different than the weapons of man. They must be put to death by Love with the weapon of truth. When thinking on love it must be regarded as a moving entity, producing energy and power. It must be thought of as a living thing having its own life. Love takes on its own identity and his weapon of choice is truth.

Anyone who has experience love has experienced a thing only from Heaven. Anyone who gives love has been guided by the heavens in that gesture.


Anyone who has experience love has experienced a thing only from Heaven. Anyone who gives love has been guided by the heavens in that gesture. We are all here to heal not to destroy. We can all become this Warrior and use the truth as our weapon of choice, to heal. Any other means of destruction, due to fear, anger or even ignorance is not tolerated in Heaven as it is against the Commandments.


Thou shall not commit adultery

When receiving insight on this the Angels spoke of how the Commandments were written in a particular order and this Commandment regarding Adultery is near to Gods heart. The attempts to destroy trust, union and the mind is found in Adultery and as simple as it sounds it often purposefully misconstrued. Thou shall not commit adultery is exactly what it say, there is no misunderstanding about it, going outside of a marriage or union is unacceptable in Gods sight no matter what confusion tries to bring to it. Adultery affects the mind of those in union and when it comes to truth of Oneness between a man and woman arranged in Heaven adultery brings deception, dishonor and chaos into the unity making One break union. Oneness is between a natural Giver and a Receiver or natural Man and Woman to continue the eternal exchange of love and produce more of themselves, multiple Givers and/or multiple Receiver's allows for unequal balance in Gods plan and His command does not allow that. It is simple a man and a woman should be as One together and no other agreements are to enter this union. 


This commandment comes after thou shalt not kill because when it comes to the mind they are almost the same. 


Thou shalt not steal

Thou shall not steal is another simply put Command. This Command from God is giving an order that no one is authorized to take what does not belong to them. We are all forbidden to receive, take or be given what is not ours in truth and in love. We have to think of anything as a steal that is simply not intended for us, if one feels like they are getting away with something that they should not have, your feelings are not deceiving you. Be sure to only take what is truly yours, as that is Gods way. Perhaps your reward would be greater, what is for us is always perfectly matched but when we steal we end up with something unfitting. As much as some would want to oppose this idea, it is written for us to know the rule of Heaven, do not steal. 


Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor

Do not speak falsely about what you know or do not know of your neighbor. We are all witnesses and testaments to what we see and the vision of God. When you lie on your neighbor you lie about the vision of God, as we are in His vision and in His sight. When we bear false witness against our neighbor we are going against what God see's of them and making ourselves untrustworthy. Understand that God knows the truth and God is not testing you but allowing you to prove to yourself who you are. This is you testing yourself, have you proved to be a liar or have you passed your own test of truth? 


Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods

To covet thy neighbors goods is to want or set your aspirations on things that belong to someone else. To become someone else or something else will be found impossible and therefore to try to possess someone else possessions is against the Will of God. 


The good of your neighbor is given to him or her by God as all good or goods come from God. If you yearn to possess or obtain something from God that He did not give to you, it is a sign that your mind is aligned with evil because your thoughts are not of truth and what is truly yours. Are you not focused on your own possessions are you not seeking what is yours for yourself? To covet what belongs to your neighbor is telling God you are incapable of creating your own home and property and it says to God you are unworthy of receiving your own favor.


These were just some aspects of the commandments the Angels wanted to share at this moment however, every message of truth derived from these Commands are always blessings.







A Deeper Look into:

The 7 Beliefs of Islam

The seven (7) Beliefs of Islam was spoken by the Angels in a very high regard however, it was noted that many may not understand them in truth. The 7 Beliefs of Islam are teachings of Heaven that can offer a valuable perspective on living and fulfilling Gods purpose. These beliefs are truth towards abundance and Heaven when understood in righteousness. The Angels describes much of the 7 Beliefs in terms of Oneness in the Body of God and being a part of Gods purpose. Below is an account of how the beliefs were described by the Angels.


Belief in the Oneness of God

As many may know and understand the different parts of God, His many names and the many ways He can be identified it is important to know that these forms are just portions of His unified body. These various identities are the limbs and organs, portions and parts that create The One or the Oneness of God. As we may know of or worship Gods and/or Goddesses and even the children of God being made gods and goddesses ourselves the Angels explain that we all are simply portions of God the Creator Himself no matter how large or how small we must function to support His Body we will not be found as a part of His Body. This is a reason we are all here to heal and once we are whole and a functioning portion of God we can join Him in His Oneness until them we are a part. God is One and One is God.


Belief in the Angels of God

The belief in the Angels of God coincide with the first belief. These Angels are those who guide and provide messages of healing to help us become one with God. The Angels are signals throughout the Body that connect with the neuro-system and nervous system to help the rest of the members respond to the signals the Brain is sending out. The Angels are a significant part in fulfilling Gods work and helping us to maintain our purpose in the Body of God.


Belief in Revelations (Book) of God

The Revelations (Books) of God gives the World insight on Gods Will, His Purpose and His Power. The Angels reverence God as the Almighty and all Powerful. Where some may understand the Devil or evil forces to have power over Hell, the Angels know God truly holds the power over all things. They speak of Gods love but also His Power to raise Hell and lower it back down as He desire. His mercy endures the Angels proclaim as they assure that His love, grace and goodness keep His heart open to His Children and gives them victory over their enemies. We must learn who we are and remain in the good grace of our Father. The Angels urge the World to fear the Lord by understanding his power and they urge His Children to love the Lord by knowing His purpose is for us. The Revelation teaches that no one and nothing can steal away what God has for His Children, His design will not allow an illegitimate child to reign. 


Belief in the Prophets of God

​There are many Messengers and Warrior sent by Heaven Angels and Mankind alike. Prophets are those who have been called to use their gifts to serve God. These Prophets are those who are gifted and lead to unify the Children of God and spread truth amongst the nations of Gods Will and His ways so that the we may learn who we are in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Prophets will teach the Children of God to remember their blood and their power that is within their DNA passed down from the beginning of existence. This Divine Blood gives Gods Children their characteristics, talents, abilities and the mind of the Kingdom, their power will begin to manifest as they remember who they are. To the Prophets Worldly matters are not significant as their focus is on the things of Heaven. The Prophets have been given all that is required to reset and realign the mind of Gods Children with truth of His Will.  


Belief in the Day of Judgment

Judgement day is now however, there is the ultimate judgement day when God decides. The Angels describe judgement day as the day when our higher selves decide whether we are ready for more truth. The higher version and Holier forms of ourselves in Heaven work with Angels and Spirits to teach us lesson that prepare us for meeting higher versions of ourselves and ultimately meeting God. Accepting more truth means you can accept more responsibility for who you are. Just as a baby has no responsibilities but as they grown they accept more responsibility for themselves and their own actions. As a baby becomes an adult they become able to take full responsibility of their own actions and of their own truth. This is what our Higher selves are supporting us in doing in Heaven, as we learn lessons we accept truth and responsibility of who we are and we take on the Judgement of being ready for the height in our existence. This can continue to happen for many lifetimes until we finally learn our most truthful lessons and at that point in our existence we are Judged by God. are we ready for our responsibility and our truth in the Kingdom of Heaven. Our higher selves, our Spirit and our Angels are supporting us getting to a higher place in truth. To reach this place we must have healed from this World and risen above the lies and curses. This is when we reach Judgement Day and this is the Day of the Ultimate decision, perhaps we may all then learn well done or undone, until then we will have to wait and see (as in serve and see: waiter/waitress, server).


Belief in Premeasurement (Qadar)

Life can be seen as a Premeasurement. There are so many forms of measure but the Angels pointed out that the most significant form on Earth is the measurement of Self. Having the ability to learn the lessons of life and correct your own short comings is a power that is given to each individual. Gods knowledge of all combined with Free Will of all allows us to make the proper corrections based on the perfect lessons He has designed for each one of us. His love and compassion allows this premeasurement to be of mercy and tenderness as we figure out our own path. Our own Will determines whether we will accept His lesson, correction and mercy making life fulfilling or if we will deny it and make the journey difficult for ourselves.


This portion is one that may be misinterpreted or either taken to extremes however, it is also fair to accept correction from those who love you. The love of God is also shown in the love of others so when someone offers their correction or support in a manner that honors God it should be received. This manner would not be hateful, excessive or aggressive but rather serious yet compassionate. God works in mysterious ways so do not take for granted the lessons He may give through others.


Belief in Resurrection after Death

The Angels speak of not having an experience of death. To the Heavens there is only life and death only exists in a human state. To all other Divine Beings there is transformations, rebirth, revival or resurrection but death is not the way we experience it on Earth. Death to an Angel is when one is not living their purpose and this does not mean that someone has to physically die but rather it means they decide not to live their life. Death always has a resurrection or an awakening or else one does not exist. Once you decide to live you go through a  resurrection whether your death is physical, Spiritual or Mental it is never truly death but rather it is a rebirth.






A Deeper Look into:

Health and Fitness​

(The Body of Christ)

When we think of Health and Fitness we may think of keeping our own vessel or what we call our bodies in optimal condition. Maintaining proper exercise a healthy diet conducive to our body type and health needs and our own overall strength. When it comes to health an fitness these same ideas can also apply to the body of Christ as individuals and collectively.


The Body of Christ is also known as the Church. As individuals in this Church we must remain strong enough to fight or maintain our healing and healing is the process or becoming healthy. When it comes to our individual health our ability to fight can be reliant of our physical strength, how far we can walk or run dealing with cardio and stamina, how much we can lift or carry dealing with weight, our flexibility, joint health and lubrication dealing with our muscle agility and bone health. What we eat, how we train, the energy we exert and contain all play a huge factor in health and fitness but most of all our mind stimulation and brain health can be the more important aspect of it all. Our ability to go farther, push harder, lift more and carry greater first starts in the brain and what we know we are capable of. To be at our healthiest is to know our greatest potential and to reach the potential we must train but first we must depend on our mind to show us we can do it. 


All these things pertaining to health and fitness are not just for the individual body but can be applied to the Spiritual body as well. The Body of Christ must also exercise, train to fight battles, consume the proper nutrients for sustaining life and practice using their gifts and powers. These things start in the mind as your blood, the blood of God keeps the brain functioning in its Holiness and place of being healed. The body of Christ must exercise its gifts, go the distance to redeem its strength, parts and other members and maintain a healthy diet being feed with the truth. Just as individuals may have its gifts and talents and find its power in amazing performances of fitness and health such as athletes, artists a miraculous physical occurrences the Body of Christ can exercise these same miracles and even more powerful as One. Our first step is to focus on the truth so that we may link our minds with the mind of God. 


Children of God be mindful that you are exercising your body, consuming the proper nutrients, stimulating your mind and practicing your gifts and talent for this becomes your power and makes you to be powerful in truth and in love. The Body of Christ is formed when you join with others who are healing and joining with the mind of God and executing His works, fighting the good fight.


God is the Head and the Brain

The body is his children the individual members of Christ. 

The heart, the lungs, the throat, the kidneys muscles and all internal extensions of the brain

His Fingers (digits), Hands, Arms, Legs, Feet, Toes (digits) all other external extensions of the head

These are all things that make up the Body and when healthy can exercise all of the power that is found within but not without the healed mind and the true brain.  So make sure that you are taking care of your body, mind and Spirit with the healthiest choices and a good wellness routine.






A Deeper Look into:

The Eternal Universe


To know the eternal Universe we must know the Eternal God and truth of His power which has created all of existence. The Eternal Universe has a lot to do with energy, the power of the mind and manifestations of visions. All these things are the same and start from the power of God (The One). Energy is defined as the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity or power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines, and yes both these definitions are true in the Physical and Spiritual presence. In terms of powering machines or complex constructed objects this machine can be any functioning organism. In this sense God created every functioning organism, atom and thing that exists my the power or energy of His own mind. 


The Eternal Universe does not just contain our solar system or solar systems but an eternal and ever growing amount of life and functioning organism all throughout space, patterns and cycles. The Eternal Universe is in fact not the Universe at all but an immense amount of Universes all communicating and connecting to one another in the energy of Oneness. As the Universe is constantly moving in patterns and cycles and constantly expanding so is the mind of God, as this entire creation is found in the mind and manifestations of God. 


The Universe or Universes are always expanding and this expansion spans beyond forever and even beyond infinity as even these terms have a time frame or cycle limit. The Eternal Universe goes for eternity as eternity has no limit and no end, and end of eternity is met with a new beginning because it continues in the expanse of all and Oneness. There is so much to explore about eternity beyond the knowledge this world can give us however, the truth holds all the answers. It is most important to connect with the Heavens to learn more about truth and obtain information about eternity. God holds eternity and the Eternal Universe in found in the various levels of Heaven. We must align our minds with the mind of God to experience an eternal life in the multiple Universes of existence. 


See Sabbath Dais Oracle Messages Page for more information on the Universe at  






A Deeper Look into:

Lessons from the Book of Revelation

(The Revelation of  Saint John the Divine)


The book of Revelation in the Holy Bible speaks of many things in accordance with Gods wrath but in this it speaks of His love. Gods love for us declares His favor of repentance. The Angels speak of the need for repentance for those who have gone against the truth and therefore gone against God. The Angels warn the World of Gods vengeance towards liars and thieves and speak of His intolerance of people who are against His Children. The book of revelations clearly speaks of Gods hatred for those who have gone against His Will and the punishment He will give for those who do not turn away from their wicked ways. Gods message here is that to know Him you must accept all of Him, this includes His blessings and His lessons, the reward for good and the consequences for evil. If we only accept a part of Him then we do not accept Him fully.


Viewers are urged to read the book of Revelation from the Holy Bible if they would like to learn more about the lessons given in this segment, see below lessons:


Repentance: The Angels teach that repentance is necessary for those who have accepted their lesson. They gave insight on what repentance is and it is not simply in saying sorry but it is in the meaning and the actions of your remorse. To repent is to turn away from the ways that caused you to act, live or be against God and against truth. The Angels say that an individual is not truly remorseful until their minds have completely changed and they never want to live how they once were when they were untrue. The truth only comes from God and goodness only comes from God to be God and true you must live in obedience of Gods Will and His word. Repentance is known when one decides to turn away from their evil ways and deceptive schemes towards themselves or others.


Liars and Thieves: The Angels wanted the Children of God to be aware of liars. This lesson from the heavens gave specifics on Liars and who they are however, not all was told or can be said on this platform. The Angels want us to understand that everyone could have lied in their life but lying does not make you a liar, the continuation of the lie is what creates the liar. To change your ways and become the truth can turn an individual who lies into an honest one but lying and becoming the lie creates a liar. The Angels say that a liar is someone who lives their lies and become their lies, this can happen with individuals, groups, societies and generations. This means not only can an individual be a liar but generations of people can be liars in the fact that they do not just tell lies but they continue them. This allows some individuals or generations to steal the truth from its rightful owners or at least they think so. These thieves can not get away with the promises of God that do not belong to them and the book of Revelation tells us so. In the book of Revelation we learn that Gods wrath will come against these people and they will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.


Gods Vengeance: The Angels spoke briefly of Gods vengeance as no one knows the time nor the hour that God will come. However, the Angels did say that Gods is the Almighty and all powerful. God calls for repentance and that all may do good works to maintain their flame (passion for God). However, we must all also be aware and awakened to His Will and his promise to carry it out. Those who do not obey truth, do not obey God and will learn of His Vengeance.





A Deeper Look into:

Divinity and Buddhism


A huge aspect of Divinity and Buddhism is their way of life simply being to understand existence as a whole. Buddhism can be seen as the practice of peace and compassion. Such a Divine practice as this is highly orchestrated and sanctioned by the heavens. The desire and strive to have have oneness on Earth with all life is the works of God and without a doubt a blessing to God. Buddhism practices to find freedom and liberation in beauty of life and this is a journey of Enlightenment and therefore considered a highly Divine practice. This practice of peace gives one the ability to reach different realms of Heaven and communicate with Holy bodies in many forms on Earth and beyond Earth. The Understanding of compassion for life gives the Buddhist an overstanding of suffering and being alive. This overtanding is to the point where some literally have the ability to ascend above all suffering into a place of pure healing and transform into other lives. In various lives they are able to live in other perspectives which gives them the ability to know other points of views.

The transformation into many perspectives of life is similar to what God does, as Gods vision and His sight is the sight of all and He knows all perspectives because He is all perspectives. The Buddhists practice of peace and compassion allows them a deeper walk with God in terms of their passion towards all life, this changes their sight so that their eyes, thoughts and existence is awakened to a world that is above the Earth.  






A Deeper Look into:



Atheism can be seen in many ways but when it comes to Heaven there is only one way to view it and that is in the vision of One or One God. This is mainly because once the many are likely minded and together as One, their unity creates the full Body of The Almighty. The Angels view may not be as obvious as expected or extremely obvious depending on a given perspective. Atheism may or may not align with what some of us understand or even with what those who consider themselves Atheists understand but Atheism is not completely incorrect either. As the Heavens understand the belief in Oneself can be seen as the belief in yourself however, there is more to you than you may consider.


Once we have all reached the highest form we become One with God in this sense that there are no Gods outside of the God that you are found within, there are no rulers and there is no levels of power just Oneself. Of course this is the idea of no God because we all are One with God, as in and apart of God. Also, because we are all in various places of life, we have not reached the place where there are no gods or deity's. Because we all must strive to reach our higher selves and no one on Earth is there yet we must honor a higher self and seeking more truth, in this respect we are ascending through different levels of self (God), therefore God can exist apart from us because we are not yet fully with Him in Spirit and in truth. 


To be Atheist means that you are already at the highest level of existence where there is no God. It means that you have no dependency on others and it means that nothing else exists but you. If you are on Earth or really anywhere in this Universe the idea of Atheism can not be true as we all depend on the life of another, we all exist together as individuals and we all depend on love to stay alive. This dependency gives us a need for God. When we finally become one with God and become The One with all of existence we have reached that point and depend on nothing outside of Oneness. Being unified with truth, love and life itself to the point where we have no dependencies is when we truly becomes Atheists. But if you have a dependency on air to breath, water to live or God to have life then the true Spirit of Atheism is not yet reached. As even water can be seen as a God, even air can be a ruler and you are subject to the rules of any other life sustaining God or energy force until you know and become your truest self beyond this world and any other.   


The true Spirit of Atheism does exist and there are times where we may be able to go in and out of this energy however, can we call ourselves the truest that will ever be in this world? It is for each individual to decide their highest truth and if this life is as high as that will be to the truth then that is their decision. 






A Deeper Look into:

Who are the Ancestors


When we think of Ancestors we may consider those who go back generations in our family, possible to our great great grandparents or further. Some of us may go as far back as those who lived centuries before us and consider those the Ancients. Although these ideas are very similar to what the Spirit knows of Ancestors, even these do not go far back enough in time to where the Spiritual Ancestors actually lived and still do. The Spirit of our Spiritual Ancestors live in us, just as our Earthly Ancestors DNA is carried throughout our veins, and the Spiritual Ancestors also lived in them. When we refer to Spiritual Ancestors or what Sabbath Dais refers to as simply Ancestors we are speaking of those who were here at the beginning of creation. This creation is not only the creation of humans or mankind but the creation of eternal life. The Ancestors are those who are the Origin of life not only your life or the life of your specific family line but the lives of all things created by God. To speak to the Ancestors in Spirit is to speak to the minds that give us who we are and yes the Gods or simply God, which ever you prefer, are a part of those Ancients. In fact, at some point in existence the unity of all the Ancestors combined as One make up The One true God, the one whose name is unspeakable. The Ancestors make up the blood of the Children of God, they live in our DNA. They are all the origins of every life in every Universe, they teach us how to breath in any atmosphere (live), fight or dance to the rhythms of the heart beats (resilience), heal from any lifetime, situation or wound (win, obtain victory) and they teach us how to love which also means the Ancients teach us how to trust in our Father "God" (He will always provide/give). So Divine children of God, it is important to make sure you know who your Ancestors are, in this life and beyond it.








Bible Code (Online Version)



The First Book of Moses called Genesis 

The Bible code are a list of words in the Bible that are coded or the translation may have a deeper meaning than how we speak today. The below words can be used interchangeably when seen in the bible and often carry a more powerful meaning in certain context. Not all words could be listed at this time as some are not known or simply were not provided  during this publication. This version mainly focuses on words from the first chapters of that can be found in the first Chapters of Genesis (King James version written circa 1600). 


In this Online Version, Sabbath Dais took five (5) coded words from the bible and provided their meanings that should not be neglected in thought. These words were given by the Holy Spirit and used opposed to many of the new/altered translations of the Holy Word/Bible. When you see these words in the Bible consider their truest meanings and read them with the Holy Spirits guidance.


- God: The Creator, The Ultimate Giver, The Father


- Firmament: Protective Layer, Above the Vault


- Hand: Creation, Works, Rule


- Face: Appearance, Features, Distinction, View


- Abundance/Abundant: Continuous gifts, Generational blessings




7 Beliefs of Islam
Health and Fitness
The Eternal Universe
Lessons from Revelation
Divinity and Buddhism
Who are the Ancestors
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