Playing Cards/oracle Readings
A Basic understanding of the card meanings
To deliver messages from Card readings Sabbath Dais uses Standard Playing Cards. Sabbath Dais Cards are always blessed and pre-shuffled. However, blessing and shuffling may or may not also be conducted during a reading. Listeners are advised to be aware of shuffling and handling of the cards especially when wearing headphones or earphones as the noise may cause hearing discomfort. Below is a basic understanding of the cards readings. Keep in mind the readings and meanings of cards or messages may vary depending of what the Spirit is telling us. Also, not all meanings are explained here at this time, much of the understanding is Spirit lead and intuitive.
Cards are not to tell listeners or viewers what to do, what will happen or depict their destiny rather it gives insight on the now and what is happening at the very moment. Heaven may give a message to advise the listener/viewer of the opportunities Heaven has given them however, the readings are intended to provide truth of the current moment perhaps based off of a life story or recent past to help the Children of God make their own decisions with truth and wisdom. The messages of Heaven is to help us create our own World and decide our own future based of the truth that we may or may not know today.
Cards can be read from left to right, right to left, top to bottom or bottom to top depending on the Spirit leading the reading. As life, love and living can be read and understood more than one way so can card readings. Some reading can be complex and read in multiple ways to get a fuller understanding of a situation.
The Jokers: The Joker cards indicate someone who has found truth or is escaping lies and deceit. The Jokers are significant of obtaining liberty. The Big Joker is indicated by the colorful Joker card and the little Joker, being the lower of the Jokers, is in black and white. The colorfulness of the card is symbolic of fruitfulness, abundance and the Covenant or promises God has made. The Black and white Joker card symbolizes clarity and revelation. Reversed Jokers can mean heading toward deceit and lies. The reversed little Joker can be lack of clarity and dealings with demons and the reversed big Joker can mean additions or The Devil.
Aces: Aces can signify union or unity or simply a win or victory. They also speak of the Inner Self and feelings towards Self. The order of precedence in the Ace cards are the order of the cards themselves. The Spades being the highest followed by the Hearts, Diamonds and lastly Clubs. The Ace of Spades is the highest card in the entire deck after the Big Joker as it is the greatest Victory card, this card is followed by the Joker and then the Face Cards, Jack, Queen, King in that order.
Faces: Faces of the cards are listed from lowest/minimal to highest/optimal: Jack (Messenger/ Warrior), Queen (Divine Feminine/Woman) and King (Divine Masculine/Man). The face cards can symbolize authority or rule. The Jack is the minimal or minimum Face meaning he is an authoritative figure who meets the standard of his authority or does not carry full responsibility, the Queen is the great receiver of grace, gifts and resources, the King is the greatest giver of gifts, protection and authority. Each Face carry their weight in rule, wisdom and truth.
Number Cards: 2-10 are the numbers of the cards as 1 or Oneness is signified by the Ace. Keep in mind Cards may not be considered good, evil or indifferent but simply true the receiver or listener will have to take it as it resonates for their specific story. However, the truth is not intended to be sugar coated or watered down therefore, listeners should have discernment and honesty of what the reader is saying and the messages the Spirit is providing.
2 can be seen as a couple, working together and/or two can play that game. This number can also be observed as bare minimum or not enough. This story would have to be considered based on the surrounding messages or understanding from Spirit.
3 can be juggling, third part, a child/baby, not having enough as in being stretched thin or it can be strength. This could signify a three fold cord is not easily broken a joint words between powers or various authorities or a block/distraction in a union. This is heavily dependent on the card suit and the story of a particular message.
4 can mean on Earth as it is in Heaven this is often the Heavens way of saying the union, abundance or vision on Earth is perfectly matched with that in Heaven as it pertains to an individual, couple or situation.
5 symbolized grace, mercy, blessings and happiness. This number can also mean middle, medium, mediocre or meet me in the the middle. This message would have to be read in respects to the nature of the surrounding cards or overall message.
6 is a card of balance it can also mean more to come, imperfection or elevation has taken place. Again, messages are not intended to be good or evil but offer truth to help us make the wisest decisions for our future.
7 is a card of fullness, happiness, trust, rest, relief and fulfillment. The seven can also signify an end or leading to a new beginning. It is important to know that these are things the listener or viewer may need, may have received, may have ignored or may have accepted, the story could be known or told in various ways dependent on the guidance of the Spirit and receptibility of the individual(s) concerned.
8 both 6 and 8 can be balance however, the 8 is the higher representation of balance it can also mean there is more work to be done, a symbol of mediocre or getting there. This card may also represent decisions, options, opportunities or a boggled mind.
9 can mean almost there, a blockage occurred, unbalance, lack of clarity or sight or keep going.
10 is the highest number in the deck and can mean a completion, growth, ascension or elevation. The ten can also mean there is too much on your plate however, this card is typically a positive message when it comes out just by its nature as the 3 is also a huge symbol of juggling or interference in focus.
The card suits here are depicted by their Ace card and explain the general meaning of the suit:
The Red Backed cards symbolize the Physical World, the flesh or the material existence.
These cards can be seen as when blood is exposed to the air or outside of the body it turns red. This is significant to something being exposed on Earth or into the tangible life or material World.
This can also stand for the woman's heart and/or mind space.
The Blue Backed cards symbolize the Spiritual World, inner feelings or the mind space. The Blue backs indicate the Spirit and Angels.
These cards can be seen as when blood is inside of the body it is blue. This is significant to being the the inside of Love or in the body of Christ.
This can also stand for the man's heart and/or mind space.
The Spades suit indicate messages/support from The Holy Ancestors and The Heavens or simply indicate Truth.
The Hearts suit is an indication of Love, Passion or Fearlessness and Bravery.
The Diamonds suit is significant of Abundance and Gifts when in the Spiritual aspects and Finances, Money or Material when in the Physical World.
The Clubs suit is symbolic of Life, Lifetimes, Existence and could indicate the Tree of Life, Game of Life, Playing to Win or The World or Earth.
If you would like to know the extended meaning and coded messages behind some of the playing cards click here to find out more.